
  • Faith Primary School Social

2024 School Fees

Grade Per Quater Per Annum
R R 0.00 R 0.00
1 - 3 R 1500.00 R 7000.00
4-5 R 1600.00 R 7760.00
6 R 1600.00 R 7400.00
7 R 1700.00 R 8600.00

Additional Expenses

Item Price
School Magazine R 200.00
Text Book levy R 400.00
Development Funds R 200.00
Maintenance Funds R 200.00
Fundraising R 100.00
Workbook Grade 1-3 R 400.00
Leaver's Party (Grade 7 only) R 800.00
Workbook Grade 4-5 R 360.00

Method of payment

Term 1 and term 4 fees inclusive of the added expenses are paid in full on or before the beginning of term 1. Term 2 fees are paid in full on or before the beginning of term 2. Term 3 fees paid in full on or before the beginning of term 3.

Note: No child should be owing the school fees in term 4.

Kindly also note that all cash payments are to be made directly into the school’s bank account. No cash of school fees will be accepted at the school office.